Up at six, hair colour on, milk and cuddle with little one, dog let out for her business, recycling sorted, washing up done, washing in, dryer on, little hand removed from washing machine x12, little hand removed from cupboard x7, little hand taken out of drawer x5, nappy off, three children fed and watered, animals fed and watered, maths homework completed, dog wee mopped up x2, baby wee mopped up x1, hair colour off and shower, dressed and teeth brushed, kids dressed and teeth brushed, hair dried and straightened, brew made x2, brew drunk whilst still hot x1, secret eating of sausage sandwich x1, car valeted (read wiped with a baby wipe and swept with dustpan and brush), stuff taken out of puppy’s mouth x14, eldest sent to football, middle one watching cartoons, youngest one having a sleep, blog done. 10am. Can I go to bed now?